Chidambara Ragasiyam - Undecoded Biggest scientific secret !!! - Part 2
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Swami Vivekananda the first person to go to west to teach them about the Eastern practices specifically about Hinduism. His first visit was to attend religion Congress. As Swami Vivekananda continued his tenure in US , Tesla and swamy Vivekananda met, they exchanged ideas on various topics. Vivekananda introduced him to akasha / ether and he was deeply influenced by concepts of Siddhis, cosmology and philosophy, he was moved by the lectures of Swami Vivekananda and saw that as the future of science.
Fascinated with this cosmology, Tesla began to use the Sanskrit words akasha (all-pervading material of the universe) and prana (energy) to describe mass and energy in his work.
Tesla had recognized that all perceptible matter comes from a primary substance, of a tenuity beyond conception and filling all space - the Akasa or luminiferous ether - which is acted upon by the life-giving Prana or creative force, calling into existence, in never ending cycles, all things and phenomena.

Consciousness is a form of electromagnetic energy which with focused thought and intent can achieve extraordinary things. We have unlimited access to the radiant field of consciousness which is infinite active universal intelligence. We all have direct and immediate access to that ZPF field, which has been referenced by the spiritual traditions as the Divine Being. (Explained with examples in the sections below)

To the contrary of Big bang theory, our universe is expanding. This is due to mysterious force called dark energy, that's causing the rate of expansion of our universe to accelerate over time, rather than to slow down. Now, Astronomers in the 20th century have learned that the universe is expanding.....
The Dark matter produces an attractive force (gravity), while dark energy produces a repulsive force (antigravity). Together, they make up 96 percent of the universe—and we can't see either. Astronomers know dark matter exists because visible matter doesn't have enough gravitational muster to hold galaxies together.
NASA data: It turns out that roughly 68% of the universe is dark energy. Dark matter makes up about 27%. The rest - everything on Earth, everything ever observed with all of our instruments, all normal matter - adds up to less than 5% of the universe..
Note that the answer behind the Chidambara Ragasiya is about Ether, the Universe expansion, dark energy, cosmos, and these concepts are still not understood by the modern scientists, which was best known to the ancient tamizhians.
To represent the importance of Ether, ancient tamizhian built this temple about 5000 years ago. The knowledge, skills and glory of tamizh civilization was consistently being suppressed and as a result, younger generations are unaware about the historical truth about the wisdom of ancestors and the importance of traditions. These scientific knowledge of ancestors are not recognised and thus falling prey for the fancy western concepts !!!
Now, coming back to Lord Natarajar, when the time dimension gets shaped up, it will resemble the cosmic dance pose of Lord Natarajar.
Another significance of the pose of Lord Natarajar is, Lord Shiva’s cosmic dance symbolizes the interaction between the static and the dynamic energy flow. This energy flow contains five principles – Creation, destruction, preservation, illusion and emancipation.
Why did a great research institution like CERN, a world famous nuclear research centre install a statue of a Hindu God?
The universe consists of matter, we all are matter. Anti-matter is that which cancels out with the matter. It is based on this particular concept that the CERN has made a particle collider within their underground premises and are experimenting on colliding the subatomic particles at high speed to make antimatter. The cosmic dance or the Nataraja Nritham of Lord Shiva is related to the Anti-matter research done at CERN.
There is a reason behind everything. Shiva’s cosmic dance is popularly known as 'Anandatandava ', the dance of bliss and symbolizes the cosmic cycles of creation and destruction, also the daily rhythm of birth and death.
- Upper right hand - Damru [his favourite instrument in the shape of hourglass] - represents creation and time
- Lower right hand - Abhaya Mudra, which is his message to all, whoever follows the path of truth and righteousness will be blessed.
- Upper left-hand - holds fire, the symbol of destruction.
- Lower left hand is raised near his chest with his palms facing down. It symbolises the mastery of meditation and attained enlightenment.
- Right leg - on a demon named Apasmara, which signifies the end of ignorance.

Your body is mortal, but you are immortal. When your body dies, your consciousness will return to its original form with all the lesson, experience and knowledge gathered in this life. When you are awakening yourself, you are awakening the whole humanity in the world enabling them to explore unlimited possibilities !!
Excellent article!! This is actually an eye opener and well explained with examples. Well done!!!