Mighty Pandya King and Matsya Avatar of Lord Vishnu
'Matsya' Avatar is the First and Foremost avatar of Lord Vishnu's 'Dasavatar' (10 Forms of Lord Vishnu, which he took on the Earth during different Yuga cycles). Lord Vishnu took his first avatar as 'Matsya' / 'Dolphin' during the declination of Kumari Kandam - the lost land of ancient Tamizh people, which was then ruled by Heroic Pandyan Kings. Pandyan Kings were the first and only rulers of the World then.
Kumari Kandam - The lost land of ancient Tamizh people. It was the Cradle of all civilizations in the World, Land of Lord Shiva, ruled by mighty kings of Pandya dynasty. Kumari Kandam comprises Wide spread of nature's wealthy resources, the place of magnificent palaces, architectural wonders, also called as Fountainhead of Knowledge, it was Source of Science, Medicine and Martial arts, famous for its engineering marvelous in Temples, Power of language and Birth place of Tamizh Civilization.
According to many Hindu holy literatures like Matsya Purana, Vishnu Purana and Kurma Purana, there were seven sacred mountains which covered the Greater India. They are Mahendra, Malaya, Sahaya, Suktimat, Riksha, Vindhya and Paripatra mountains. In Matsya purana and Vishnu Purana, it was mentioned that " Matsya (Fish), the first avatar of Lord Vishnu, appeared as small fish to the Dravidian King Shraddhadeva / Satyavrata (Meaning: Always Truthful), while he was washing his hands in a river, which was flowing down from the Malaya Mountains. He was also known as Vaivasvata, the son of Vivasvana and therefore known as Vaivasvata Manu (Current and Seventh Manu)."
The little fish asked the King to save him. So, in order to save the fish, the King has put the fish in a jar of water. But, the fish kept growing bigger and bigger, then the King has put the fish into a big pitch, but it turned out to be less for the fish, then he transferred the fish into a well. The Well was also not sufficient for the ever growing fish, so the King Satyavrata changed the place and put the fish into a huge tank which was about 16 miles height and 8 miles breadth. But, that effort was also failed due to the significant growth of the fish, then placed the fish into the river and then finally he placed the magical fish into the ocean, there it looked like a huge Dolphin.
So, from Kumari Kandam many kings, chieftains and people migrated towards North. During the diaspora, due to the change in ocean currents and Tsunamis, some people has moved towards East and some traveled towards Western directions.
At the time of deluge, Lord Vishnu appeared as horned fish and AdiShesha (King of Serpents) appeared as rope, with which the King fastened the boat to the horn of the Fish.
With the help of Lord Vishnu's Matsya Avatar and the Serpent, the giant boat with the Pandya King, Chieftains and animals has survived through the flood and it perched on the top of Malaya Mountains. After the deluge, Manu's family and Sapta rishis repopulated the Earth. Sangam literature refers this Malaya Mountain to the present day 'Pothigai Hills' in Tamil Nadu. From Kumari Kandam, Vivasvata Manu / Sathyavrata reached the Pothigai hills ( Also called as 'Agathiyar Malai') and expanded his kingdom in Southern India. As the Kumari Kandam sub continent was lost, he didn't go back to his motherland and continued to rule in Bharata Kandam.
Agasthiyar Malai in western ghats are much older and Sacred than later formed Himalayas. Many people claim that mountain Malaya is the present day Himalayas. A Big No to that false claim!! During a drastic flood, practically people from the low lying areas will try to reach a nearer higher altitude places for safety. Likewise, people from the Southern land (Kumari Kandam) tried to reach out to the nearby high altitude mountain, i.e Pothigai Hills which is only 50 kilometers North from Kanya kumari. Thus, the sacred mount Malaya can't be related to the Himalayas, as it is very far from Kumari Kandam.
Later, The King Satyavrata and the Saptarishis propounded the code of laws for the betterment society known as 'MANUSMRITI', it was said to be the text given by the first Manu(Swayambhu Manu), Son of Brahma (Lord of Creation). Satyavrata / Vaivasvata Manu is the seventh Manu of current Manvantra proposed 'Manusmriti'.
Manu is not a name of a particular person, it is a title given to the person who has been chosen to lead the humanity, Manu is the progenitor of all human races. All human beings are born from Manu's race and therefore called as 'Manavas' (In Tamil, Manithan, Maanidan). Each Manu rules an aeon called 'Manvantra'.
Scientific Reason for the Deluge in Kumari Kandam:
This flood occurred during beginning of Satya Yuga. Satya Yuga started around 11,350 BCE (Will pen down a Separate post for Yuga Cycle with Detailed Explanations and Reference ). In the last 14,500 years, sea level rose high upto 100 meters as the ice glaciers was melting rapidly, due to the increase in Earth's temperature. This coincides with the date of last glacier melting period where the Earth faced more warmth. The melting rate of glaciers were high, which caused the waters to flow rapidly to reach oceans. This sudden rise in sea level caused Tsunamis and floods.
At the end of each Manvatra, a great flood will occur. Here, at the end of Sixth Manvantra, this flood occurred during the reign of Pandya King Satyavrata and destroyed this oldest civilization in the World. King Satyavrata as Vivasvata Manu headed the human race in the Seventh Manvantra with the help of Lord Vishu as 'Matsya' Avatar.
Is King Satyavrata , a Pandya King of Kumari Kandam ??
There can be many dravidian rulers, how a Pandya king could be referred as Vaivasvata Manu / Satyavrata ?
The answer revolves around the key 'Malaya' mountain. Malaya mountain is older than Himalayas and it is considered as the one of holiest mount in India. As Maharishi Agastya spent most of his lifetime at this Malaya mountain, it was also called as 'Agasthiar Malai' situated in the Western Ghats of India. Agasthiar Malai / Pothigai Malai is the only place in the World, where there are many distinctive types of flora, fauna and animal species are found that can't be found anywhere else in the World. Very rare types of poisonous Spiders, leeches and snakes can also be found here. (These rare species and seeds were bought from Kumari Kandam through the Giant Boat)
Agasthiyar Falls
A) From the verses of Matsya Avatar, it's understood that Satyavrata / Vivasvata Manu was a Dravidian King from South of Bharata (i.e) Kumari Kandam and Saptarishis were also part of his Kingdom. In the purana, it was initially mentioned that king washed his hands in the river flowing down from Malaya mountain, which is current Pothigai Hills. What was that River ??
Tamarabarani - the ancient sacred river, which was originated from the Holy Pothigai hills and gushed towards Southern direction reaching Kumari Kandam, it glided parallel to the coastal line of Tamil Nadu. (Present day, it's not flowing towards South, it has changed his course to eastern side and reaches Bay of Bengal). It was the only river which connects Malaya Mountain and Kumari Kandam, which was situated at the South of Bharat.
So, River Tamarabarani flowed from Malaya mountain, reached Kumari Kandam and it was flowing fiercely over there. When the King Satyavrata was washing his hands in the river, that little fish appeared to him and asked for help. Also, Pandya Kings were the only rulers of the World before the start of Satya Yuga and there were NO CHOLAS and NO CHERAS during those times.
AA) As the king reached Malaya mountain and settled down there till the nature stabilizes, he worshiped and praised the mountain which saved the life on the Earth. He started his empire from the Mountain and to honor the holy hill, he named his son after the mountain as Malayadhwaja Pandiyan, the Second King of Pandyan Dynasty in Vaivasvata Manu (Note: He is not the same one who was mentioned in Mahabharata, This Malayadhwaja Pandyan King corresponds to Satya Yuga).
B) Pandya King changed his Flag symbol to Fish, as a gratitude to Lord Vishnu's Matsya Avatar. The fish symbol of Pandyas was related to Matsya Avatar of Lord Vishnu during the flood, thus it is proving the truth that the early pandyan King was the ONE who was referred as Satyavrata / Vaivasvata Manu in the Matsya Purana. Also, as Matsya Avatar is the first avatar of Lord Vishnu, it is corresponded to Satya Yuga, which was also coincides with the name of this Pandya King, Satyavrata.
This Tamirabarani river, Malaya Mountain, Dravidian King Satyavrata, his son Malayadhwaja Pandya, Pandya's Fish flag, Maharishi Agasthiyar (One of the Sapta Rishis in the Boat) are proving the fact that Kumari Kandam was real and in Kumari Kandam there were no Cholas and Chera kings. Cholas and Chera dynastys were formed only after the submergence of Kapatapuram, the place where second Tamil sangam was held. So, obviously King Satyavrata was a Pandya King from Kumari Kandam, who headed the human race as Vivasvata Manu from Bharata Kandam.
This Massive flood occurred at the end of Sixth Manvantra, during the reign of Caksusa Manu.
This is proving another fact that the Pandya king Satyavrata has ruled Kumari Kandam before the beginning of seventh manvatra (present manvantra), which was before Satya Yuga and the period of Vedas.
Pandyan kingdom has 2 different royal symbols: Bull and Twin Fish.
Before the arrival of massive Tsunami, they have started to explore the world, Pandyas traveled across seas, established their kingdom in many countries with their flag Bull / Twin Fish / Single Fish. They have named many of their established places in Tamizh, they were the first explorers of the World.

Coins of Early Pandyas with Bull symbol (Left Coin) and Twin Symbol Symbol (Right Coin)
Though the symbols of early Pandya Kings were destroyed in India, it can be seen in other countries. Example: In Sri Lanka , Pandya's twin fish symbol was carved in granite Stone, bas relief from Koneswaram temple at Triconamalea, which carved by later Pandyas.
Kulasekara Pandyan was the first ruler of the Kumari Kandam during the period of Caksusa Manu, the Sixth Manvantra. Lord Shiva as Soma Sundara Pandyan established First Tamizh Sangam at Thenmadurai of Kumari Kandam. Vivasvata Manu / King Satyavrata has ruled ancient Kumari Kandam with Bull as their symbol before the deluge, ancient tamizhs considered Bull as symbol as Masculinity and Valor. In Tamil, Pandi / Pandya ('Pandaya') means Early / ancient. This clearly mentions that 'Pandya nadu' means ancient Country, which was ruled by Pandya kings .
Lord Vishnu's Matsya Avatar and King Satyavrata's boat are depicted in various country's stone carvings as Gilgamesh Flood, Noah's Flood theory etc. Ancient Sumerian stone carvings represents Vivasvata Manu's boat with Lord Vishnu in Matsya Avatar. According to modern archaeologists, Sumerian civilization is said to be one of the oldest civilization in the world. Early Pandyas were prior to them, their dates were put forward and suppressed the hidden truths about Tamizhs !!!
Ancient Tamils / Tamizhians were also traveled towards South East direction and settled there due to the sunken land of Kumari Kandam.
Even now, in many places and structures we can see the symbols used by ancient Tamils. Many words were taken from Tamizhi / Tamil and adopted in the modern languages. Language spoken by African Tribes, Australian Tribes, Andaman and Nicobar Tribes, Lakshadweep tribes are identical to Tamizh.
-- Aarthi Thiyagarajan
'Matsya' Avatar is the First and Foremost avatar of Lord Vishnu's 'Dasavatar' (10 Forms of Lord Vishnu, which he took on the Earth during different Yuga cycles). Lord Vishnu took his first avatar as 'Matsya' / 'Dolphin' during the declination of Kumari Kandam - the lost land of ancient Tamizh people, which was then ruled by Heroic Pandyan Kings. Pandyan Kings were the first and only rulers of the World then.
Kumari Kandam - The lost land of ancient Tamizh people. It was the Cradle of all civilizations in the World, Land of Lord Shiva, ruled by mighty kings of Pandya dynasty. Kumari Kandam comprises Wide spread of nature's wealthy resources, the place of magnificent palaces, architectural wonders, also called as Fountainhead of Knowledge, it was Source of Science, Medicine and Martial arts, famous for its engineering marvelous in Temples, Power of language and Birth place of Tamizh Civilization.
According to many Hindu holy literatures like Matsya Purana, Vishnu Purana and Kurma Purana, there were seven sacred mountains which covered the Greater India. They are Mahendra, Malaya, Sahaya, Suktimat, Riksha, Vindhya and Paripatra mountains. In Matsya purana and Vishnu Purana, it was mentioned that " Matsya (Fish), the first avatar of Lord Vishnu, appeared as small fish to the Dravidian King Shraddhadeva / Satyavrata (Meaning: Always Truthful), while he was washing his hands in a river, which was flowing down from the Malaya Mountains. He was also known as Vaivasvata, the son of Vivasvana and therefore known as Vaivasvata Manu (Current and Seventh Manu)."
The little fish asked the King to save him. So, in order to save the fish, the King has put the fish in a jar of water. But, the fish kept growing bigger and bigger, then the King has put the fish into a big pitch, but it turned out to be less for the fish, then he transferred the fish into a well. The Well was also not sufficient for the ever growing fish, so the King Satyavrata changed the place and put the fish into a huge tank which was about 16 miles height and 8 miles breadth. But, that effort was also failed due to the significant growth of the fish, then placed the fish into the river and then finally he placed the magical fish into the ocean, there it looked like a huge Dolphin.
Matsya Avatar of Lord Vishnu, revealed himself to the King Satyavrata and forewarned him about the massive flood, which will destroy his land. He asked the King to build a huge boat to facilitate the Kings, Rishis, Source of Food, animals etc. So, the King has a built a giant boat, which housed his family, Saptarishis, Nine types of Seeds and Animals and sacred books. He also asked his people to migrate towards Northern side of Bharata Kandam, before the attack of subsequent Tsunamis.
At the time of deluge, Lord Vishnu appeared as horned fish and AdiShesha (King of Serpents) appeared as rope, with which the King fastened the boat to the horn of the Fish.
With the help of Lord Vishnu's Matsya Avatar and the Serpent, the giant boat with the Pandya King, Chieftains and animals has survived through the flood and it perched on the top of Malaya Mountains. After the deluge, Manu's family and Sapta rishis repopulated the Earth. Sangam literature refers this Malaya Mountain to the present day 'Pothigai Hills' in Tamil Nadu. From Kumari Kandam, Vivasvata Manu / Sathyavrata reached the Pothigai hills ( Also called as 'Agathiyar Malai') and expanded his kingdom in Southern India. As the Kumari Kandam sub continent was lost, he didn't go back to his motherland and continued to rule in Bharata Kandam.
Agasthiyar Malai in western ghats are much older and Sacred than later formed Himalayas. Many people claim that mountain Malaya is the present day Himalayas. A Big No to that false claim!! During a drastic flood, practically people from the low lying areas will try to reach a nearer higher altitude places for safety. Likewise, people from the Southern land (Kumari Kandam) tried to reach out to the nearby high altitude mountain, i.e Pothigai Hills which is only 50 kilometers North from Kanya kumari. Thus, the sacred mount Malaya can't be related to the Himalayas, as it is very far from Kumari Kandam.
Later, The King Satyavrata and the Saptarishis propounded the code of laws for the betterment society known as 'MANUSMRITI', it was said to be the text given by the first Manu(Swayambhu Manu), Son of Brahma (Lord of Creation). Satyavrata / Vaivasvata Manu is the seventh Manu of current Manvantra proposed 'Manusmriti'.
Manu is not a name of a particular person, it is a title given to the person who has been chosen to lead the humanity, Manu is the progenitor of all human races. All human beings are born from Manu's race and therefore called as 'Manavas' (In Tamil, Manithan, Maanidan). Each Manu rules an aeon called 'Manvantra'.
Scientific Reason for the Deluge in Kumari Kandam:
This flood occurred during beginning of Satya Yuga. Satya Yuga started around 11,350 BCE (Will pen down a Separate post for Yuga Cycle with Detailed Explanations and Reference ). In the last 14,500 years, sea level rose high upto 100 meters as the ice glaciers was melting rapidly, due to the increase in Earth's temperature. This coincides with the date of last glacier melting period where the Earth faced more warmth. The melting rate of glaciers were high, which caused the waters to flow rapidly to reach oceans. This sudden rise in sea level caused Tsunamis and floods.

At the end of each Manvatra, a great flood will occur. Here, at the end of Sixth Manvantra, this flood occurred during the reign of Pandya King Satyavrata and destroyed this oldest civilization in the World. King Satyavrata as Vivasvata Manu headed the human race in the Seventh Manvantra with the help of Lord Vishu as 'Matsya' Avatar.
Is King Satyavrata , a Pandya King of Kumari Kandam ??
There can be many dravidian rulers, how a Pandya king could be referred as Vaivasvata Manu / Satyavrata ?
The answer revolves around the key 'Malaya' mountain. Malaya mountain is older than Himalayas and it is considered as the one of holiest mount in India. As Maharishi Agastya spent most of his lifetime at this Malaya mountain, it was also called as 'Agasthiar Malai' situated in the Western Ghats of India. Agasthiar Malai / Pothigai Malai is the only place in the World, where there are many distinctive types of flora, fauna and animal species are found that can't be found anywhere else in the World. Very rare types of poisonous Spiders, leeches and snakes can also be found here. (These rare species and seeds were bought from Kumari Kandam through the Giant Boat)
Agasthiyar Malai / Pothigai Malai
Agasthiyar Falls
A) From the verses of Matsya Avatar, it's understood that Satyavrata / Vivasvata Manu was a Dravidian King from South of Bharata (i.e) Kumari Kandam and Saptarishis were also part of his Kingdom. In the purana, it was initially mentioned that king washed his hands in the river flowing down from Malaya mountain, which is current Pothigai Hills. What was that River ??
Tamarabarani - the ancient sacred river, which was originated from the Holy Pothigai hills and gushed towards Southern direction reaching Kumari Kandam, it glided parallel to the coastal line of Tamil Nadu. (Present day, it's not flowing towards South, it has changed his course to eastern side and reaches Bay of Bengal). It was the only river which connects Malaya Mountain and Kumari Kandam, which was situated at the South of Bharat.
So, River Tamarabarani flowed from Malaya mountain, reached Kumari Kandam and it was flowing fiercely over there. When the King Satyavrata was washing his hands in the river, that little fish appeared to him and asked for help. Also, Pandya Kings were the only rulers of the World before the start of Satya Yuga and there were NO CHOLAS and NO CHERAS during those times.
AA) As the king reached Malaya mountain and settled down there till the nature stabilizes, he worshiped and praised the mountain which saved the life on the Earth. He started his empire from the Mountain and to honor the holy hill, he named his son after the mountain as Malayadhwaja Pandiyan, the Second King of Pandyan Dynasty in Vaivasvata Manu (Note: He is not the same one who was mentioned in Mahabharata, This Malayadhwaja Pandyan King corresponds to Satya Yuga).
This Massive flood occurred at the end of Sixth Manvantra, during the reign of Caksusa Manu.
This is proving another fact that the Pandya king Satyavrata has ruled Kumari Kandam before the beginning of seventh manvatra (present manvantra), which was before Satya Yuga and the period of Vedas.
Before the arrival of massive Tsunami, they have started to explore the world, Pandyas traveled across seas, established their kingdom in many countries with their flag Bull / Twin Fish / Single Fish. They have named many of their established places in Tamizh, they were the first explorers of the World.

Coins of Early Pandyas with Bull symbol (Left Coin) and Twin Symbol Symbol (Right Coin)
Though the symbols of early Pandya Kings were destroyed in India, it can be seen in other countries. Example: In Sri Lanka , Pandya's twin fish symbol was carved in granite Stone, bas relief from Koneswaram temple at Triconamalea, which carved by later Pandyas.
Kulasekara Pandyan was the first ruler of the Kumari Kandam during the period of Caksusa Manu, the Sixth Manvantra. Lord Shiva as Soma Sundara Pandyan established First Tamizh Sangam at Thenmadurai of Kumari Kandam. Vivasvata Manu / King Satyavrata has ruled ancient Kumari Kandam with Bull as their symbol before the deluge, ancient tamizhs considered Bull as symbol as Masculinity and Valor. In Tamil, Pandi / Pandya ('Pandaya') means Early / ancient. This clearly mentions that 'Pandya nadu' means ancient Country, which was ruled by Pandya kings .
Lord Vishnu's Matsya Avatar and King Satyavrata's boat are depicted in various country's stone carvings as Gilgamesh Flood, Noah's Flood theory etc. Ancient Sumerian stone carvings represents Vivasvata Manu's boat with Lord Vishnu in Matsya Avatar. According to modern archaeologists, Sumerian civilization is said to be one of the oldest civilization in the world. Early Pandyas were prior to them, their dates were put forward and suppressed the hidden truths about Tamizhs !!!
Sumerian Tablet
Babylonian Great Flood
Sumerian Merman God - Matsya Avatar
Even now, in many places and structures we can see the symbols used by ancient Tamils. Many words were taken from Tamizhi / Tamil and adopted in the modern languages. Language spoken by African Tribes, Australian Tribes, Andaman and Nicobar Tribes, Lakshadweep tribes are identical to Tamizh.
-- Aarthi Thiyagarajan
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