Chidambara Ragasiyam - Undecoded Biggest scientific secret !!!
In Tamizh 'Chidambara Ragasiyam' means the ultimate secret and it's a idiomatic term used by tamizh people. This term is coined after the famous temple called 'Thillai Natarajar Temple' at Chidambaram in Tamil Nadu.
What is chidambara Ragasiyam (Secret) ???
Before going to the answer, let us have a small intro of the chidambaram temple. This is one of the 'Pancha Bootha Sthalam', Pancha - meaning five, Bootha - natural elements, Sthalam - meaning place, together it means Temples of Five Natural elements. There are five temples built in ancient tamizhakam for the five basic elements of nature, which is the basic for cosmic creation.
There are two meanings for the name 'Chidambaram'.
Meaning 1
'Chit' means - True Awareness,
'Aum' means - sacred pranav mantra,
'Param' means - The Supreme being ,
together - 'Consciousness of Supreme Lord Shiva'.
Meaning 2, In Tamizh
'Chit' - Consciousness / Wisdom (Cittar / Sidhar)
'Ambaram' - meaning Atmosphere, Ether . அம்பரம் அனல் கால் நிலம் சலம் (Atmosphere, Fire, Air, Earth, Water)
together it means 'Atmosphere of wisdom / consciousness'.
This Thillai Natarajar temple is located at Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu, which is 16 kilometers west from the shore of Bay of Bengal. The main deity of this temple is Lord Natarajar (shiva), he is situated in a hall called 'Chitsabha' (Garbha griha). Behind this deity, there is a small space covered with a black screen, which is believed to represent Akasha lingam (Ether). But, the truth is, there is no lingam over there, it is a belief that it's an invincible lingam, usually covered with Bilva (Indian Bael) garlands.
What is the significance of this temple ???
It is not only a temple, there is also limitless scientific knowledge and universal truth behind it. The spirituality of the temple intentionally camouflaged a biggest secret about universe which is still not understood by modern scientist and it's not bound by the law of physics (scientific part is explained in section below). Ancient tamizh people hid the truth in the fear of this temple getting destroyed during the rule of foreign invaders. They wanted to pass the knowledge to the people, so kept it as secret with a spiritual cover.
This temple represents the fifth natural element - 'Akash'. Lord Shiva, represented here as natural element in the form of 'Formless Lingam', called as 'Aagaya / Aakash Lingam' (Ether). This fifth element can be viewed in both Spiritual and Scientific ways.
First let us know about Ether / Akash through spiritual way explained in Hinduism / Santana Dharma
Ether Through Hinduism
Akasha (or ether) is the substratum of sound (Shabda). It is the One, Eternal and All Pervading physical substance, which is undetectable. In Human body, Akasha is equivalent to Third Eye / Pineal Gland / Consciousness... It is also called as Brahman. Consciousness is the creative force of this entire universe.
What is consciousness ?
There are different level of consciousness, Akasha / ether refers to higher consciousness of a person in Hinduism. Higher consciousness is spiritual or energetic awareness that transcends the mind with the past and the future. Higher consciousness is something that's beyond our ordinary conscious mind. It’s the ultimate consciousness, the consciousness of higher self, universe, and God

At the higher levels of consciousness, we no longer feel separate. We feel, we know and we experience oneness with the universal energy field... Brahma
We are only point of energy, but energy has no limits. Ancient Siddhar / Cittar of Tamizhakam were spiritual masters, they actually posses supernormal abilities (Ashtama Siddhis). Abilities such as flying through the air, walking through solid obstructions, diving into the ground, walking on water and so forth are achieved through changing one element, such as earth, into another element, such as air. Siddhars have achieved Extraordinary powers of the soul (siddhi), developed through consistent meditation and gruelling tapas

Siddhars lived during first tamizh sangam i.e around 10,000 BCE. Sage Agastya was a Siddhar and immortal who complied first tamizh grammar work called 'Agathiyam' and presented in in the First tamizh sangam.
Another quotes of tamizh siddhars as,
“Andathil ullathe pindam,
Similar verses in vedas as,
"Yatha pinde tatha brahmande
Several thousand years before Siddhars said the biggest truth, answer for the secret that,
"அண்டத்திற்குள் பிண்டம்..! (Andathirkul Pindam)
பிண்டத்திற்குள் அண்டம்.. ! (Pindathirkul Andam)
அண்ட, பிண்ட விசாரம்..!" (Anda Pinda Vicharam)
Andam - means Universe
Pindam - means Human body
"அண்டத்திற்குள் பிண்டம்..! (Andathirkul Pindam)
பிண்டத்திற்குள் அண்டம்.. ! (Pindathirkul Andam)
அண்ட, பிண்ட விசாரம்..!" (Anda Pinda Vicharam)
Andam - means Universe
Pindam - means Human body
Meaning: We are in this Universe and Universe is within us.
Another quotes of tamizh siddhars as,
“Andathil ullathe pindam,
Pindathil ullathe Andam,
Andamum Pindamum ondre,
Aarinthu thaan parkum pothey.”
- Sattamuni Gnanam
Meaning: What is there in this cosmos is existing within this body and the vice versa, both are one and the same when one realizes the truth.
Meaning: What is there in this cosmos is existing within this body and the vice versa, both are one and the same when one realizes the truth.
Similar verses in vedas as,
"Yatha pinde tatha brahmande
Yatha brahmande tatha pinde "
Universe reveals itself in two fundamental properties: as Motion and as that in which motion takes place, known as Space. This Space is called as 'Akasa', through which things step into visible appearance.
The earth and all the living beings in the world is resonating with the natural frequency pulsation of 7.83 Hz... called OM, the sound of consciousness !!!
OM NAMA SHIVAYA !!! Happy Maha Shivaratri !!
- Scientific view of Ether in part 2
- Aarthi Thiyagarajan
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