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Thursday, 11 February 2021

Hiranyanpura - The Land of Hiranyaksha - In Ancient Iran !!

Hiranyanpura - The Land of Hiranyaksha - In Ancient Iran !!

            Hiranyapura was an exceptionally spectacular floating celestial sky-city of Hiranyaksha, the powerful Asura king. Hiranyapura - means city of Gold, it was full of gold , precious gems and rare minerals, protected by descendants of Asura kings. It was surrounded by tower shaped gates and four entrances. It was treasure city and served as an abode for Yakshas, Asuras, Danavas and Daiteyas . The city was covered with all type of gemstones. 

        The Asura king Hiranyaksha, did severe austerities for several years and got a boon from Brahma that his sons should not be killed by devas, nagas and rakshas. Also, Hiranyanpura, the floating city was given as a boon from Lord Brahma to Hiranyaksha. This made Asuras equal and powerful to devas.

 Like Indraloka in heaven - an abode of Devas, 
        Hiranyapura, a sky city - an abode of Asuras.

Not able to believe ???

Nobody believed Vimana, until Airplanes were invented !!
Nobody believed in Navagraha, until 9 planets are identified by scientists !!
Nobody believed in Kauravas birth from ghee pots, until IVF (also test tube babies) was invented !!
Nobody believed in Sanjaya's boon for watching Mahabharata war at palace, until Wireless live streaming was made possible !!

    Indians were much knowledged and advanced in science, technology, astronomy, astrology, arts etc !! All the foreign websites in the world are trying to put the Hinduism and Sanatana Dharma in the later period of history and not before 4100 BCE, not before their big bang theory. Changes are happening in the society now, people are waking up, realizing about the true intension of paid news by the paid medias and false historical information of funded websites.

        Now, coming back to the topic about Hiranyapura, this city was roaming majestically in the sky and demons who lived in that place were happy. The asuras never respected Indra and other devas. Actually asuras and devas were cousin brothers. Sage Kasyapa was the father of Asuras and Devas.

        Hiranyaksha was the first, powerful and oppressive demon who walked on this earth. He was too tall, muscular, strong and aggressive that he was looking like a huge golden mountain. He wore golden anklets, golden belt, golden bracelets and golden bands on his arms, several golden chains with rubies, emerald, diamonds on his chest, a big golden crown on his head. The earth trembles upon when he takes every step on the earth. 

        Hiranyaksha means - golden eyed, this ferocious asura attacked heaven, devas and all the three worlds. Also tried to destroy the mother earth by sinking it under the cosmic ocean. Lord Vishnu took his third avatar called 'Varaha Avatar' - form of wild boar, to rescue mother earth.

Varaha avatar of Lord Vishnu lifting the Earth 

     Varaha - the third avatar of Lord Vishnu killed the demon Hiranyaksha, retrieved the earth from the ocean, by lifting the earth on his tusks and placed the earth to her place in the universe.

Battle between Hiranyaksha and Varaha Avatar of Vishnu

        Hiranyaksha's brother was Hirayakashipu and Holika was his sister. After the death of his elder brother Hiranyaksha by lord vishnu, Hiranyakashipu started to develop hatred towards lord vishnu. He decided to kill vishnu by gaining more magical powers, by doing severe penance to please lord brahma. Though he got boons from Brahma, he was killed by fourth avatar of lord vishnu, that is Narasimha avatar, to save his great devote Prahalad. Prahalad was the son of Hiranyakashipu.


Hiranyakshakilled by Varaha Avatar of Lord VishnuSaved Earth
(Youger brother of Hiranyaksha)
killed by Narasimha avatar of Lord VishnuSaved Prahalad
(Grand son of Prahalad and great grand son of Hiranyakashipu)
sent to Patala lok by Vamana avatar of lord VishnuSaved Gods

    All these wicked asuras who tried to harm Earth, people and devas were killed by consecutive avatars of Lord Vishnu.

      Later, to help devas and the people on the earth, Arjuna fought with asuras and brought down the celestial sky city Hiranyapura to earth in Dwapara yuga. This city was placed on the western side of Akand Bharat. 

        No wonder that Iran was rich in minerals, precious metals, gemstones, coal, oil and natural gas. After India and Brazil, Iran is the third producer of decorative stones. Iran has about four billion tons of decorative stones with an annual production of over 13.5 million tons. Iran is the world's oldest, largest and finest producer of Turquoise. 

Now, how Hiranyapura is related to ancient Iran ??

          Iran was the recent name, this country was called as Persia in the ancient times. True !!, the whole Persian countries (Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Syria, Azerbaijan) were called as 'Persia'. Like we have many regional / divisional (state) / geographical names in Akand Bharat such as Tamizhakam, Virat, Vanga, Panchala, Sindhu etc, there are also geographical divisions in Persia in ancient times. One such division is Iran.
         According to scholars, the name Iran derives from middle persian 'Eran' (ērān) - Land of Aryans, it was first attested in ancient rock reliefs of iran. Eran - denotes people in the land rather than an empire. Ihis inscriptional use of ērān to refer to the Iranian peoples, the use of ērān to refer to the empire (and the antonym anērān - refers to the Roman and non Iran territories) is also attested in the early Sassanid period. Both ērān and anērān appear in 3rd century calendrical text written by Prophet Mani. 

        But, Is it the actual meaning of Iran / Eran ?? 

Will get the answer, when we look through tamizh, Iran is tamizh word - root word is - Iraniyan / Eraniyan. 

Following are the proving facts for the Iran, being a tamizh name. 

A. What is meant by Iraniyan ?

     In tamizh, there is no 'ha' letter and sound. Hiranyaksha, the first asura king was pronounced as 'Iranyaksha' , with no 'ha' sound. The people and descendants of hiranyanksha was called as 'Iranniyar' - meaning - clan of hiranyas - were born to Diti and sage Kashyapa. So, Iraniyan - means clan of hiranyas / Iranyas. The asuras, daiteyas and yakshas ruled ancient Iran.

What is the meaning of the Iran in Persian and English?? No proper meaning for it. Tamizh was the language spoke by devas, asuras, danavas, daiteyas, manavas and everyone in the world and so got a proper meaning of Iran through tamizh / tamil and Iran was named in tamizh.  

This is the reason that current Iran is now called as 'Iran'/ 'Eran', in the name of Hirayaksha, in a proper tamizh pronunciation. 

B. Gobekli Tepe, Turkey

Another strong reason to say Iran was land of Hiranyanska is, the stone sculpture found in the world's oldest ancient temple at Gobekli Tepe in Turkey. 

    There was a stone sculpture of Wild boar, in 10,000 years old Gobekli tepe, which was considered as first temple.

wild boar
Gobekli Tepe, Turkey

        This wild boar denotes the Varaha Avatar of Lord Vishnu, who killed the demon king Hiranyaksha and rescued mother Earth. When you look at the picture closely, there is one circular hole above the tusks of boar, representing earth being lifted on the tusks (the details of the hole may be lost in this period of time / during excavation).

C. Ahura Mazda - Iranian God

        In Iran, Ahura Mazda (similar to Asura) was worshiped as God and he considered as the highest deity of Zoroastrianism. Daevas (similar to devas) were considered as bad gods and they were enemy of Ahura mazda. This is also proving that ancient Iran (Hiranyapura), was the land of asuras. 

Also, there are many places in Iran named after asuras in Tamizh such as 


'Suran' - Lord Muruga killed an asura called 'Suran' / 'Surapadman', Suran is a proper tamizh name.

Ghamsar and Kamazan - Asura Ghamsar / Kamsan killed by Lord Krishna in Dwapara yuga. In Sanskrit / hindi, Kamsan is called as 'Kamsa' / 'Kansa', the suffix 'an' (Singular) and 'ar' (Singular with respect) is used only in tamizh and these places in Iran was named after Asuras in a proper tamizh name.

Why these places are named in tamizh ?? 

D. Eran - ancient site at Madhya pradesh

        Eran, is an ancient archaeological site in Madhya pradesh, where Lord Varaha had killed hiranyaksha and it was named after him. The most remarkable temple of Lord Vishnu represented in the form Varaha avatar is situated here. Usually, in all temples varaha avatar was represented as man - boar form. Like the picture below. 

Varaha Avatar

        But, in this temple at Eran, Lord vishnu's varaha avatar was represented unusually, as a theriomorphic representation. That is, mythological ability to metamorphose into other animals by means of shape shifting, i.e Lord Vishnu depicted only in animal form

Varaha Avatar at Eran

 The boar was made out of stone and has many intricate carvings in it such as mother goddess hanging on the right side of it's tusk, inscriptions around the neck of the boar and many other details. There was inscription erected in honor of the deity Vishnu at the neck of his avatar, Varaha.

Om ! Victorious is the god (Vishnu), who has the form of a Boar; who, in the act of lifting up the earth {out of the waters}, caused the mountains to tremble with the blows of {his} hard snout ; {and) who is the pillar {for the support) of the great house which is the three worlds !

— Eran Boar Inscription

Also, bronze eran coins of 3rd century BCE were found at Sulur, Coimbatore district of Tamil Nadu. 

Why it has to be named as Eran ? As per sanskrit, it could have been named as Hiran or Hiranyika etc, why there was no 'ha' syllable ??

        It is now proved that eran / iran was in tamizh and not in sanskrit. It is also proving another point that tamizh was the national language of Akand Bharat. Ancient tamizh language (tamizhi / damizhi) is older then sanskrit, it is the oldest language in the dravidian language family and people all around the Akand bharat knew tamil and they have spoken in tamil. 

        This is how ancient Hiranyapura is now called as 'Iran' and tamizh was spoken by people of Iran, Iraq, Turkey and Syria. My next post will reveal the details about tamizh kings who have ruled Iran and many hidden information about the tamil roots in the persian gulf. 

- Aarthi Thiyagarajan


  1. Sorry but your information is not at all right. Sanskrit is only the oldest language and not tamizh moreover h is pronounced as s and it is not simply removed, like asura is ahura in Iran's culture and not aura. Zarathusthra belonged to Hinduism himself, he was a kashmiri Brahman and belonged to Vashishtha gotra as he was descendant of Sage Vashishtha and Sage Vashishtha is regarded as son of Varuna God. Asuras are not necessarily evil they are good and bad both even in Hinduism as well as in Zoroastrian. In our Hinduism good Asuras are led by God Varuna and bad ones are led by Vrita. So in Iran the good Asuras were worshipped which are even worshipped in Hinduism as Iran followed Asuras which were led by Varuna and they are good Asuras even in Hinduism. Zoroastrian has been later developed from Hinduism and Vedic Sanskrit is the oldest language and not tamizh. Hindus weren't against war with Iran people. About your deva part that word doesn't refer to deva it is distinct from deva even the Hindus in Kashmir consider daeva to be evil and they consider deva to be good. So daeva is not deva which means Iran people doesn't hate our devas. For Iran people actually dae means God and div means light and same is in Kashmir Hindus also. That's all.

  2. So sorry to previously comment and state that you are not at all right but now when I read it completely and understood I realised that you have much knowledge and you are completely right. Jai Akhand Bharat keep up the great work sister it doesn't matter even if Tamil is older than Sanskrit as both are ancient languages of our Sanatan Dharm and personally I don't believe in Aryan invader theory, these foreigners like Max Muller can only belittle us what I believe is that all North and South people are dravidians only and Aryan is not race it is simply a word in Sanskrit which meant noble or good and not a race as these westerners stated to divide us and rule us and take credit for themselves. So we must unite for our Sanatan Dharm. Thanking you for bringing the reality.
