Greta's Tool kit Exposed - Planned Farmers protest to break India !!
Thunberg had first tweeted the toolkit on Wednesday night but later deleted that tweet and uploaded an 'updated toolkit' on Thursday, claiming that the earlier document was outdated. The old document had supported the tractor rally on January 26 and had details of upcoming online and street protests.
Greta Thunberg's toolkit mentioned:
1. Website: Ask India Why.
2. Presentation (21 slides).
After Greta shared the controversial toolkit, it had links to tweets that people could use on their social media accounts for supporting the protest on January 26 - Republic Day. Why this date was chosen ??!! To defame India / Break India ??
Global Farmers Strike - First Wave (Schedule and links)
1. Check the name of tool kit, "Global Farmers strike" !! Planned for a strike across the world to defame India ??
2. "First Wave" !!, Wave ??? - How many waves are planned ?
3. Advertisement telecasted on India's Farmers protest during Super bowl 2021 in USA.
- Why to put an advertisement in USA sports's match ??
- To draw international media attention and defame India??
- Also started as "India, Take back Farm bills ". Who are you to advise on India's Internal affair ??
- That Ad says, "Largest protest in History !!" - It's actually a well planned protest to create a fake record in the history.
- a 30 second ad for super bowl costs around 5 million dollar. But, a resident in California said, they raised $10000 through online funding
4. "Schedule and links" - are explained at the end of this post.
When the authorities looked into the origin of this toolkit document and they identified that it linked it to M Dhaliwal.
Who is Dhaiwal ?
Poetic Justice Foundation (PJF) founder M Dhaliwal is saying that the battle of Khalistan movement begins with the repeal of the farm laws.

In a Video, Dhaliwal say, " If the farm bills get repealed tomorrow, that is not a victory. This battle begins with the repeal of the farm bills, it does not end there. Let no one tell you that this battle is going to end with the repeal of the farm bills. That is because they are trying to drain energy from this movement. They are trying to tell you that you are separate from Punjab, and you are separate from the Khalistan movement. You are not,”.
Earlier, Dhaliwal had taken it to his Twitter handle to post pro-Khalistan tweets. One of the posts read, “I am a Khalistani. You might not know this about me. Why? Because Khalistan is an idea. Khalistan is a living, breathing movement."
According to multiple official sources, Sikh extremist groups like Sikhs for Justice (SFJ) and World Sikh Organization of Canada (WSO) are now government’s constant monitoring, which is why they have begun operating several smaller organisations that run online campaigns and have offices around the world.
Sikhs for Justice (SFJ) is a US-based secessionist group that supports the secession of Punjab from India as Khalistan. Founded by Gurpatwant Singh Pannun, On July 1, 2020, Gurpatwant Singh Pannun was declared as an "individual terrorist" under the UAPA for promoting secessionism and allegedly encouraging Punjabi Sikh youth to take up arms. SJF was banned on July 10, 2019 by Government of India under Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act for anti-India activities on July 10, 2019. SFJ started organizing a campaign for 'Referendum 2020' for secession of Punjab state from India, on the recommendation of the Ministry of Home Affairs on July 5, banned 40 websites belonging to the group for attracting people to its cause
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Poor farmer with weapon and Khalistan symbol on the turban |
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Khalistan flag |
While the government has ruled out that the farmers protesting at Delhi’s borders have any role to play in this. Farmers protest is an cover up, in the name of farm law, many political parties and funded NGO's are trying to break India, namely "Break India Movement" and to defame India and PM Narendra Modi.
Will prove that now, Look at the picture below,
Many Khalistani flags were waived during the farmers protest on republic day and they hoisted Khalistani flag at Red Fort.
What is the link between farmer's protest and the Khalistan ?? Did None of the farmer's knew that it was Khalistani flag and people with weapons and shouting slogans ?? !!

IMF's Gita Gopinath supports farm laws.
Whereas Pop star Rihanna and Meena Harris is against farm laws. Read this post completely, which will expose these two women.
Check out the pictures of innocent farmers below

At 8:59pm, Feb 2, Rihanna tweeted according to the plan (as exposed by Greta’s ‘toolkit’)
Also, Meena Harris, niece of Kamala Harris is also part of this plan. Check out her tweet below, she has exposed herself saying that it is not about farm laws, but its about "religious minority"
Let us look at the terms used by Meena in the above tweet, how she twisted the issue to break india.
1. "Vocal religious minority" -
Why are you using this term in the issue of farm law. Why did you twist the issue using "Religious minorities". What is the link between farmers and minorities ???
So, she exposed her plan that it's a Sikh problem? Not Farm Laws
2. Police violence -
When Police were saving their lives by jumping off from the Red Fort, how can you tag the term violence ?? .This proves that either she doesn't have the full knowledge about the issue in India or she wants to tweet according to the instructed plan.
3. Militant nationalism -
How dare you use this term for India ?? People protesting are like you and not the farmers. Most of farmers of India are not in the Protest. Protesting people wanted to crush Police under tractor wheel, Hoisted Khalistani flag at Red Fort on Republic day, around 400 police personnel were beaten by protesters. Now, Who is MILITANT ??
4. Labor rights -
The farm laws will only increase income of labors.
5. Global Authoritarianism
Joe Biden government said : " Indian new farm laws are good & U.S. govt welcomes them"
What do you say now ?? Saying against your government ??
This is planned farmers protest to break India, is heavily funded by big billionaire fishes to many small NGO's.
The document in the Greta's tool kit has listed down 'Urgent actions', needed to be taken on 4 - 5 February. Well planned action items !!
Republic day violence is a pre-planned one. As per Greta's toolkit, she openly calls for protest against India, asking people to protest and create violence in front of Indian embassies, government offices and in front of Adanis and Ambanis. People in the protest are motivated and funded by them, Khalistani militants group hoisted their flag in the Red Fort for a hefty money in dollars and also have sent well trained traitors of the country against India. Rihanna's tweet was a paid one. There is a big nexus network working behind the scenes !!
- Who gains from destabilising India / Break India ?
- What is the purpose behind the attack on political stability of India? (Hum Do, Hamare Do ??!!!)
- Who is the actual mastermind behind this protest ?
- Are you able to see the similarities between Capitol Hill seige in USA and protest at Red Fort ? Same group behind both the scenes ??!!
- How big and powerful network is that spends thousands of crores on this farmers’ protests?
- How are they getting paid for such tweets from big celebrities ?
- Why to telecast an advertisement which costs around $10000 about India's farmers protest in a Super bowl at USA? Who is actually trying to defame India by making a bubble into a HOT AIR BALLOON ?
One thing is getting clear that, this is not a farm law issue. There are many international links and political agenda behind this card of 'Farm law'. We Indians won't keep quiet, when someone try to defame India and spoil the Unity among Indians !!
- Aarthi Thiyagarajan
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