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Tuesday 13 August 2019

Early Morning - Brahma Muhurta

Early Morning Wake up - Brahma Muhurta 

           There is a saying that 'Early to Bed, Early to rise'. Every time elders use to say, to get up early in the morning. Why to rise early ?? There are plenty of scientific reasons behind that and those are most required for a healthy and happy living. Getting up early in the morning is peaceful and pristine time, when you are far away from Social distractions, Breathing fresh air, embracing the freshness of the nature and most importantly, it's the time for working on your inner self.

             Working on your inner self is most important for your mind. Mind works at its BEST during early morning hours, starting from 4.30 A.M. Why ?? How ??? It's explained in this post. In the early morning hours, that is after a good sound sleep, mind and brain will be fresh. When our mind goes closes to the nature, it can feel the freshness of it, be it a fresh leaves or fresh air or sounds of the birds or chill breeze on your face or humidity of the dew drops, it will first create a calming effect in your mind and brings a smile in your heart.

                     We spend lot of time inside our own heads, as this is how we interact with gadgets in today's world. We need to connect with nature, to feel human again, time spent with nature increases vitality and makes you to feel more alive. Watching the birds pollinating the flowers, chirping sound of the birds, fresh wind from the trees creates connection with nature, the Greater World around us. Time spent with nature creates extremely calming effect and it smells very fresh in the early morning, Inhaling cool fresh air relaxes mind and brain. 

       Being with nature, stimulates creativity, the act of watching / sitting quietly allows your brain to wander, stirs new idea and better way to start your day. Being outside, puts you in meditative state of mind, your body responds to fresh air and the Chilly early morning crispness, allows your body to awake, starts with enthusiasm and feels ready. Morning breeze, reduces your stress, many successful people in the world wake up during early hours in the morning, to get more time, to think about new ideas, to schedule the day ahead which gives extra time to do the work more comfortably. 

               Trees and plants releases fresh oxygen in the early morning hours. When humans connect with nature at that time, we can inhale fresh oxygen and inhaling fresh air stimulates our mind and body. 
             In India, Women wakes up in the early hours and worship Tulsi Plant, the Holy Basil. People who do not know the reason for it, called as ' Blind belief'. Is it really a mere religious practice???? You will get an answer in this post.

               Tulsi, the Holy basil is a Sacred plant in Hinduism. Most of the plants takes carbon dioxide and releases oxygen during the day time and during the night time, it takes Oxygen and releases carbon dioxide. But, Tulsi releases Oxygen even during the night time, like Peepal tree, Neem and Aloe Vera. It gives out oxygen for 20 Hours a day, breathing it's air can kill various infections in the body.  
           In the early morning around 4 to 6 A.M, tulsi releases rare combination of oxygen called Ozone for 4 Hours in a day, with a lamp providing light for photosynthesis.  Along with the formation of nascent Oxygen which absorbs all harmful gases from the environment, breathing this will energies human's mind and body. 

       Ozone released from Tulasi kills virus and bacteria. Ozone is a molecule with 3 oxygen atoms , ozone is the most powerful oxidants and germicide known.  Tulasi leaves contains natural ether, which drives away the mosquitoes and it also protects you from solar radiation. This sacred plant purifies the air and it generates ozone just before twilight. That is the main reason that Tulasi is planted at home and worshiped in early morning hours by our ancestors, not just so called 'Blind Belief' !

           One will find Tulasi in almost every household of Indians. Keeping Tulasi plant at home removes negative energies and doshas (Biological energies in the body). Tulasi plant is considered as most revered and sanctified of plants. Early morning after taking bath, Every Indian women in the household worship Tulasi with water and lit a lamp near the plant. 

            According to Ayurveda, there are three Doshas (Biological energies) in our body, Vata (Air and Ether), Pitta ( Fire and Water) and Kapha (Water and Earth). The increase / decrease in these doshas depends on one's sleep/ wake cycle. 

            In Vedic times, waking up during Brahma Muhurta is ideal and extremely favorable for meditation, exercises and spiritual practices. Each muhurta lasts for 48 minutes, Brahma muhurta starts one and half hour before sun rise and ends 48 minutes before sunrise. Sun rise time differs according to the geographical location. 

        This time period is predominated with Satva componenet which enhances knowledge, the intellect during this period is pure and radiant. It is the best time for supreme knowledge, eternal happiness and meditation, as the mind is inherent at the time, enabling one to achieve a deeper meditation state. Thus helps in subduing mental irritation, hyperactivity and laziness. 

            Early Morning in South India, one can hear this song "Kausalya Supraja Rama" by Mrs. M.S. Subhu Lakshmi, towards Lord Vishnu in every household, listening to devotional songs / music is a part of daily routine. Women at home takes early bath, worships God, does Tulasi pooja by chanting Slokas. Even one could see, kids singing carnatic music, learning Bharathanatyam (Dance form) and chanting vedic lessons during the morning hours.

          At this time, 'Prana' will be high, Prana is a vital life energy, essential for the body which is adequately present in the atmosphere. The first three hours of the morning are vital, that is before and after Sunrise. According to ancient Indian scripts it is firmly believed that man should perform any actions according to the nature / sun.  In Sanskrit, daily routine is called as 'Dinacharya' , 'Din' means Day and 'Acharya' means to follow. One should follow daily routine with morning exercise, yoga and meditation.

          Performing Surya Namaskar and meditation is a must. Surya Namaskar is not only a exercise for body, it is a ritual cleaning process that uses mind states, associated with Vata in Ayurveda. Children who studies at this hour remember it for life and also it increases the memory power in them. 


   Make this as a routine for Fresh, Healthy and Happy state for mind and body !!

 - Aarthi Thiyagarajan   

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