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Sunday 28 July 2019

Sesame Seeds - Oldest Crop of India

Sesame Seeds - Oldest Crop of India

       Sesame Seeds are one of the oldest seeds known to the mankind, also oldest oil seed crop cultivated in India about 6000 years ago. It is derived from Sesame plant (Scientific Name: Sesamum Indicum) , they are small in size, has Nutty taste, Sweet Flavor, Crunchy and has strong Aroma when roasted and crushed. These seeds have huge health benefits and amazing medicinal properties, oil from these seeds are used in various areas and they are available throughout the year. 

        In Ancient India, around 6000 year ago, sesame seeds oil was used in Ayurveda, cooking, hair treatment, in food and drug manufacture, in vedic rituals and in lighting lamps. The usage and importance of this oil was then spread across various countries like Egypt, Rome, Greek, Japan, China, Arab countries and many more.

           India is one of the largest producer of Sesame seeds. These seeds are an important ingredient of Indian cuisine since many millennia. It is specially consumed in Winter for its warming nature.  In Hindi, Sesame seeds are called as 'Til', 'Ellu' in Tamil, Malayalam and Kannada and 'Nuvvulu' in Telugu. 

       This plant is an annual herb with flowers that produce pods containing the edible sesame seeds. The pods burst open in a pop, when the seeds are mature

              Sesame seeds have highest oil content compared to any other seeds. There are different types of sesame seeds, black colored , brown colored and white colored. Black and brown sesame seeds have their husks in tact and white sesame seeds have the husks removed. Indeed, black colored sesame seeds have much more magical properties than white colored sesame seeds. 

         Black Sesame contains more Iron than White sesame seeds, it is more flavorful and have strong aroma than white one. The husk in the black sesame seeds gives little bitter taste, with strong aroma and thus it is used along with bold ingredients. Hence, it is recommended for the people having Anemia or Weakness. It is beneficial for teeth, bones and it helps to strengthen them. 

          According to Hindus, Sesame seeds are associated with Lord Vishnu. It is called as divine seed, as it is emanated from the sweat of Lord Vishnu, which fell on the ground. In Vedas, Sesame seeds are called as 'seed of immortality', as it is believed that Lord Yama himself blessed the seed. It first appeared in India, then spread across the world. 

        In Hinduism, Shraddha is a ceremony performed in the honor of dead ancestors. Shraddha will be performed every year and in some family tradition, it will be performed every month / quarterly, on the day of Amavasya (New moon day). It is believed that, Sesame seeds used in these rituals will satisfy the hunger of dead ancestors, by doing Tarpanam.

      Tarpan is the offering of water mixed with black sesame seeds, Barley, Rice and Darbha grass. It is also believed that ancestors will appear by the process of Tarpan and it is a ritual that provides an opportunity to repay debts to our ancestors.


         During Makar Sankranti, people lit lamps at home using this oil. This oil is considered as the best oil for lighting lamps both at temple and at home. In Karnataka, Makar Sankranti is not complete without these Sesame seeds. First, people take oil bath with sesame oil and prepare a customary sweet called  'Ellu Bella'. Ellu - Sesame seeds, Bella - Jaggery, a famous traditional sweet prepared in copper vessel, using Sesame seeds and Jaggery. 

Ellu Bella

          These sesame seeds are eaten as a sweet, exchanged with friends and given away as 'Daan'. 

        Sesame seeds are rich in Oleic acid, which helps in lowering the bad cholesterol and thus good for heart. Magnesium in Sesame seeds gives relief for Asthma. It contains essential minerals such as Iron, Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Selenium and Sodium.  It contains 5 times more calcium than a glass of milk. It is a great vegetarian source of Protein, 30 grams of dried sesame seeds provides

  • 291 mg of calcium,
  • 9.77 mg of Selenium,
  • 5 gms of protein, 
  • 0.22 mg of Thiamin and 
  • 4.11 mg of Iron
  • 38 mcg of Folate
  • 100 mg of Magnesium
  • 120 mg of Phosphorous
  • 163 calories of Energy
  • 5 mg of Fiber etc

Sesame Oil / Gingelly Oil

        Sesame seeds oil is also called as Gingelly Oil, it is rich in antioxidants and and healthy fats. Sesame oil contains Vitamin E which slows the ageing process and protect cells from free radicals. 'Sesamin', a compound that occurs naturally in sesame seeds and oil, reduces cholesterol, protects against kidney damage, Lowers blood pressure, promotes bone health. 

       Traditional method of extracting oil from sesame seeds are by turning bullocks in clockwise direction using wooden churner and  wooden base to crush the seeds. Why to use wood ? Because, wood absorbs heat and maintains normal room temperature on seeds while extracting the oil, which is also known as 'Cold Pressed oil'.

       This type of cold pressed oil is called as 'Mara Chekku Ennai', in Tamil. Cold pressed oil is the natural way of extracting oil from the seeds, since it is not heated, it retains all the natural nutrients and it is best for humans health. 
               The sesame seeds are placed in the wooden base and then ground into paste using churner, turned by bullocks until it expels the oil. As the seeds are not heated, it yields less oil compared to heating mechanism used in modern method of commercial oil. 

         In Modern Era, instead of bullocks, wooden machines are used to extract oil from the sesame seeds. After so many centuries, Chekku Ennai (Cold Pressed oil) have made a comeback in a daily diet, as the people have become more health conscious and started to connect with the roots of our ancestors. 

Grounded paste of sesame seeds with expelled oil

  In South India, oil bath with sesame oil is considered as auspicious and it is must before taking part in any festivals and vedic rituals. Sesame seeds oil is used for various reasons, below listed some of the reasons for using this oil

Sesame seeds oil in Cooking:

        In South India, especially Tamil Nadu, Andra Pradesh and Kerala, Traditional spicy dishes are cooked with this oil in a clay pot. Traditional dishes such as Vatha Kuzhambu, Puliyodharai,  Pulusu, flavored rice, pickles and many more. The reason for using this oil specifically is, it balances the hot spicy and tangy taste of the dish, so it used where the dish is having more spiciness or having more tanginess.

           This oil serves as preservative and it is the best oil used for pickles. Gingelly oil itself is having longer shelf life, so most of the pickles uses Sesame oil, as it can be stored for long time. The pickle has to be soaked in oil, to prevent from yeast formation and to reduce the excess spiciness in it. If less oil is used in the pickle, it will be spoiled soon. 

          In South India, for deep frying ground nut oil is used, for less spicy dishes and tempering Coconut oil is used. Apart from Desi Ghee, Coconut oil, Sesame oil and ground nut oils are used for cooking, which has amazing health benefits and the sesame oil is not used for all types of cooking, as it changes the aroma of the food. According to the taste of the dish, specific oils are used.   
        'Ellu Sadam' (Sesame seeds Rice), 'Ellu Podi' (Sesame seeds chutney powder) are the most common way of adding these seeds into the diet, as these seeds are roasted and crushed into powder. 

Ellu Rice

         Below picture is the Sesame seeds chutney powder, which will be mixed with sesame seeds oil and forms like a paste. It is usually eaten along with Idli. 

Sesame seeds chutney powder,

In Hindu Rituals:

         These sesame seeds are used in vedic ceremonies for ages. Hindus uses them in funeral rites and monthly ceremony for departed ancestors souls called Tila Tarpana. An offering of Sesame seeds to ancestors prevents negative energies from obstacles. In Hindu rituals, Sesame seeds oil / Til oil is considered as auspicious next to Desi Ghee. 

         Ellu vilaku, Mud lamp filled with sesame seeds and oil is lit, to pacify the malefic effect of Lord Shani (Saturn). Black sesame seeds packed in a small black cloth is placed inside the lamp and filled  with sesame oil, let the cloth gets soaked with the oil. Then lit this lamp using the cloth as wick, facing Lord Shanishwaran (God of Saturn).  It is believed that lighting Ellu Villaku on Saturdays will pacify the God and will get his blessings.

In vedas, it is mentioned that sesame seeds oil is best for human kind. 

      In Hinduism, traditionally Sesame seeds oil are used to light diyas / lamps in temples and at home. Lighting lamp using this oil creates peace of mind, confidence and removes negative thoughts. In a Daily routine, diyas are lit at home in the morning and in the evening. During any festival / occasions more diyas are lit at the house entrance, Pooja room and all around the house.

             Oil lamp / Diya / Deepam is lit to bow down to knowledge and to remove darkness from the house.It is a customary event to lit lamp before starting any auspicious event or ceremony. The vibration which emerges from the lamp spreads positive energy at home, brings peace and prosperity.

In Hair Treatment

       Sesame oil is full of nutrients needed for healthy scalp and hair. Regular massage with warm sesame oil penetrates into the scalp and increases circulation. Head massage reduces stress, induces good sleep and delivers nutrients to grow your hair. This oil stimulates hair growth by nourishing, conditioning and promoting healthy scalp 

           In traditional Chinese medicine, Black Sesame seeds are considered as best anti- aging food. Along with nourishing the scalp, these seeds promote melanocyte activity to produce melanin, which is the pigment responsible for hair and skin color.

Benefits of Sesame oil for Hair

  • Treats premature greying
  • Promotes Hair Growth
  • Revitalize damaged Hair
  • Nourishes Hair Follicles
  • Combat hair loss due to stress
  • Maintain Healthy Scalp
  • Controls Dandruff
  • Prevents Hair fall and dryness
  • Retains natural hair color
  • Effective Lice Treatment
  • Natural Moisturizer.

In Ayurveda:

          In Sushruta Samhita, Sanskrit text of Ancient Ayurvedic medicinal book mentioned that Sesame seeds oil is the most commendable of all oils. It is recommended for wounds, burns, animal bites. Regular body massage with sesame seeds oil will promotes good health and balances three doshas in the body. 

       In Ayurveda, Sesame seeds oil is used as base oil for preparing medicated herbs infused oil called 'Thailam' and it is also used in preparing medicinal paste. Tila is the ayurvedic name of sesame oil.

Regular oil massage using Sesame seeds oil will

  • reduces anxiety
  • nerve and bone disorders
  • poor circulation,
  • lower immunity, 
  • bowel problems and muscle tension. 
  • It tones the skin and promotes strength and vitality.

         Oil pulling is the ancient ayurvedic remedy for oral health and detoxification. Oil pulling creates clarity in all five senses, it also called 'Gandusha' in Ayurveda. 
        In the morning on an empty stomach,swish one tea spoon of sesame oil in your mouth without swallowing it, allow it to pull the toxin from your body. While relaxing your jaw, allow the oil to swish between your teeth and gums, Chew it ! After 10 -15 minutes, spit the oil out and rinse your mouth with warm water
Coconut oil is best for summer and sesame oil is best for winter

 In Ayurveda, oil pulling using sesame / Gingelly oil has many benefits
  • treatment of sinusitis
  • psoriasis
  • obesity
  • dry skin
  • kidney problem
  • rheumatic pain and inflammation
  • tooth decay and gingivitis 
  • whitens the teeth

Oil pulling using coconut oil

  • Releasing bacteria, virus, fungi and parasite from the body
  • Improving the health of receding gum tissue
  • Whitening the teeth
  • strengthens teeth and gums
  • reduces tooth sensitivity and pain
  • helps clear the sinuses
  • Helps with bad breath
  • Prevents cavities and Gingivitis.

           As the Sesame seeds oil penetrates into the skin quickly, it is used to massage babies. Indian mothers, massage their baby with this oil and put them under the sun for few minutes, for the absorption of Vitamin D. This oil nourishes the cells naturally, also massaging with this oil makes the skin soft and shine


          There is a proverb in India that "To Feed sesame seeds for under weight / thin people and feed Horse grams for Obese people". Sesame seeds and its oil has to be given for under weight people.

       Ellu urundai, a sweet made of roasted sesame seeds mixed with Jaggery syrup and cardamom powder. It is a common tea time snack served in South India.

   Sesame seeds can trigger allergic reaction to some people. If there is fever or diarrhea, avoid eating sesame seeds.

Pregnant Women

       Sesame seeds have good amount of folic acid and Iron which is essential for pregnant mothers. Folic acid is essential in DNA synthesis of growing fetus. Also,it increases the Hemoglobin levels of the Pregnant women.

Caution: As sesame seeds with Jaggery, increases body heat, it is to be consumed in limited portion during pregnancy. Eating more heating producing foods are not good for the baby.

Lactating Mother

         Sesame seeds are rich source of calcium, which is essential for lactating mothers. This is treated as helpful lactating aid for mothers, as it contains antioxidants and many nutrients which is beneficial for the health of both mother and baby. 

        These are some of the benefits of eating sesame seeds and oil, which is followed in India, from generation to generation for thousands of years !!

       These sesame seeds can be traced back to Indus valley civilization. Sesame plants were used as source of edible oil in Mesopotamia and Syria in Bronze age. Paintings in ancient Egypt tombs dated back to 4000 BCE shows, Bakers sprinkling sesame seeds into the dough. Rome is also not left out in using sesame seeds into the bread. Nowadays, we can see sesame seeds are being used in Western cuisines as well, it being sprinkled over Hamburgers, buns, bagels and burgers. Sesame seeds grows only in the tropical region.

       Ancient Greek soldiers carry sesame seeds as energy boosting emergency rations. Sesame seeds are considered as symbol of good luck. From India, the importance of these seeds have been extended to Middle East.

       In ancient Egypt, sesame seeds oil were used in medicines, cuisines and sesame seeds oil lamps were used to illuminate, dated back to 1500 BCE found in archaeological sites. 

        Today, Japan is the largest importer of Sesame seeds, they are using it in their cooking and medicines, after knowing it's remarkable medicinal properties.

           Lets go back to our roots and follow our ancestors way for healthy, happy and disease free life.

- Aarthi Thiyagarajan

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