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Thursday 10 November 2022

Dravidian Pandya king is the ancestor of Pururavas!!

Dravidian Pandya king is the ancestor of Pururavas!!

        The legendary king Pururava was born in Treta yuga and he is the son of budha and ila. He is the first king of lunar dynasty / chandra vamsam and also popularly known as ancestor of pandavas in Mahabharatham. 

        Apart from these details, there is one important unknown / hidden fact about pururavas is - Early pandya king of ancient tamizhagam is the ancestor of Pururavas and Nahusas.

        If this information is surprising and feels like surreal, then please read the post till the end to know the truth about pururavas. This post will also prove things like  

a) early pandya kings lived in the age of satya yuga

b) the lineage of pururavas from the early pandya king 

c) Maravarma pandyan and pururavas connection.

        Pururavas lived in the age of Treta yuga. But, early pandya kings started to live from the age of Satya yuga - i.e from the first yuga in the yuga cycle.

A little background about early pandya king is needed to connect the dots with puraravas and satya yuga is the starting point of it.

Satya Yuga:

        Early Pandya kings lived from the age of satya yuga and submerged Kumari kandam is their mother land. Kumari kandam and Bharatha kandam were considered as heavens of humans such that even lord Indra and many demi gods frequently visit here and did stay there for some period of time. Kumari kandam landmass was connected to bharatha kandam's southern tip.

    Pandya king Satyavrata -  was the king of kumari kandam during satya yuga. Lord vishnu appeared before this pandya king satyavrata and forewarned him about a great deluge. 

[More details about kumari kandam is covered here, Kumari kandam - part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5Part 6Part 7 ]

        It is mentioned in Matsya purana that Lord vishnu took the avatar of dolphin and forewarned the dravidian pandya king Satyavrata from the south of Bharat about major multiple deluge in his land and asked him to build to huge boat to migrate. Early Pandyas were the First and the only rulers in this world during Satya yuga. Kumari kandam - the first ancient land of tamizhs were then submerged into the ocean, which made the pandya king to shift the capital to Bharatha kandam.

        This Pandya King Satyavrata headed as Vaivasvata Manu, migrated with Sapta rishis to the Bharat Kandam with the help of Matsya Avatar of Lord Vishnu and Adisesha. 

To know more about Matsya avatar of Lord vishnu and Pandya king and more details about the same, reach out to the below post,

Now, coming back to the topic - Pandya king is the ancestor of Pururavas, I will explain it in 2 ways with appropriate facts, i.e 

1) Through Vaivasvata Manu, and 
2) From the copper plate inscriptions founded in tamizhagam.

1) Through Vaivasvata Manu 
        It is mentioned in some of the texts that Pururavas were traced back to vaivasvata manu. See the below picture for reference.

    From the above mentioned facts about matsya avatar, it is clearly understood that the early pandya king satyavrata is also called as Vaivasvata manu. 
As Vaivastha manu itself is a dravidian pandya king, then the lineage is obviously continued as race of pandyas. 

There are 2 types of pandyan race, 
1. solar race pandya kings (Surya vamsam)  and 
2. moon race pandya kings (chandra vamsam) 

    Pururavas belongs to moon race pandya kings and Pururavas emblem is 'a pair of fish'.

Lunar race pandya king's emblem is also a pair of fish.

    The lunar dynasty pandya kings mostly ruled the coastal areas and were the seafarers. They explored the world through seas and worshiped moon god to guide them in the right direction in the sea. They precisely calculated the directions, wind, storms and day with the knowledge of moon and stars (nakshatras) in the sky. As they had good command  in astronomy, it helped them to explore further in seas in good weather and it also helped them to transport goods. These pandya kings had huge navy ships and navy base. 

        Their emblem is a pair of fish. They kept fish as an emblem, for their gratitude towards Matsya avatar of lord vishnu who saved them from a great deluge. 

As Pururavas and Nahusas were descendants of Pandya king, they continued to keep 'a pair of fish' as their emblem. [Note: This information about emblem of pururavas is also mentioned in the inscriptions]

2. Copper plate inscriptions:

        The lineage of pururavas from chandra vamsam pandya kings is also mentioned in the ancient copper plates of velvikudi inscriptions. There are 10 copper plates founded in Madakulam of Tamil nadu. 

Velvikudi inscriptions:

        The Velvikudi inscription is actually a bi-lingual grant inscribed in a copper-plate from the Pandya kingdom of southern India. It is inscribed in Tamil and Sanskrit languages, it records the renewal of a grant of the Velvikudi village to a brahmana by the Pandya king Nedunjadaiyan Varaguna-varman alias Jatila Parantaka.

Sanskrit portions were written in Grantha script, while Tamil portions were written in Vattellutu script. Below are the pictures of the inscriptions...

The sanskrit portion begins with the invocation of Lord shiva and describes the lineage of Pandya king. It is also mentioned in the inscription that Sage Agastya / Siddhar Agathiyar is their family priest.

 To know more unknown facts about sage agastya, reach out to the link below,

The other points mentioned in the inscription is that, 

 "4. There was (ruling) entrance into the sea, a king famed for his matchless power, named Pandya, who even after the three worlds had disappeared, at the end of kalpa, was requested again to rule the world by the creator and was born as splendid son of moon and named as 'Budha'.

5 &6. Pandya king was reborn as Budha, the son of moon. His son is Pururuvan (Pururavas), engraved their emblem pair of fish on the topmost rock of the mountains. He also shared half of his throne, necklace and taxes with Lord Indra.

Maravarman - son of Pururuvan was born. He was a glorious king and praised by the three worlds."

This inscription says about the lineage of pururavas as, 
King Pandya -> Pururuvan -> Maravarman.

Pururava was also popularly known as ancestor of Pandavas in Mahabharatham. Below picture is the translation of the inscription...

The Tamil part of the inscription contains the actual grant. It describes about, how the Pandya king Palyagamudukugumi Peruvarudi gave the village Velvikudi (i.e. the village of sacrifice) to Narkorran, a brahman and the headman of Korkai, in appreciation of a vedic sacrifice performed by the latter. Then follows a  historical narration, describing how the country was conquered by enemies and reconquered by the Pandyas.

The inscription also mentions about boundaries of velvikudi village, its landmarks, about the wars of Maravarman and about many other kings.

This copper plate inscription clearly proves that early Pandya king was the ancestor of Pururavas - the lunar race king. 

Early pandya / pandyan kings were the longest rulers of ancient India. They were the first rulers and ardent devotee of Lord Shiva. They have built numerous temples for Lord Shiva around the world, chanted lord shiva's name and always smear holy ash on their forehead as smeared by lord shiva. They have also built many temples for Lord Vishnu as well, as the clan of pandyas were saved by matsya avatar of lord vishnu. Many historic records of pandya kings, their emblems, signs were intentionally destroyed by the following invaders to destroy the glory of pandya kings. [Why did the following rulers destroyed it?, will be covered in separate post]

        Further, the foreign invaders tried to put forward the dates of early pandyan rulers, as they hate to believe that pandya kings widely ruled the world with a great power, wealth, science, culture, dedication, advanced knowledge in various fields, god worship and followed santana dharma before the arrival of many religions. So, they did not want indians (bharathiyans) to know about the glorious real history of early pandya kings, their bravery and about their knowledge, so they did project pandya kings as late rulers in our edited history. 

Early pandya kings were the starting point of the history of bharatha kandam. Each and everything in the history is connected in someways, the subsequent rulers like cholas, cheras, pallavas are connected to pandya kings. These truths are erased from the history of Bharath. 

Relationship between Pandya king and Pururavas is one of the erased truth from the history ancient bharath!!

Many more truths about cholas, cheras, pallavas will come into light through this divine diyaas blog!

- Aarthi Thiyagarajan

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