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Friday 18 October 2019

Heaven ?? Or Hell ?? - Part 2

Heaven ?? Or Hell ?? - Part 2

            In Continuation from the previous post Heaven ?? or Hell ?? - Part 1

         Dharma is not only being virtuous. Performing certain activities, which may not be moral, but executing those acts will establish righteousness among the people, then that is also called as DHARMA. Human actions without Conscience, acts which are intentionally hurting others and Bad Intentions are called as Adharma. 

       There is a saying in Sanskrit that 'Dharmo Rakshati Rakshitaha' , meaning Dharma will protect only those people who protect dharma. 

  Following Dharma in today's World....

       Dharma is the qualities expected from the humans. Like animals, we also feel hungry, eat, roam around and sleep, what is the difference between animals and humans ? Sixth Sense !! It is your Conscience, a inner voice of ours that says which is correct and wrong, a people with Conscience will follow dharma.

      For example, there is a rule followed in Hinduism that 'One Woman for one Man', that is A man should marry only one women and stay faithful for the rest of their life and vice verse, it is considered as one of the Dharma of Human life. Why i have to follow this Dharma ? What happens if this Dharma is not followed? Any body can live with any person and move on. Animals and prehistory uncivilized humans also did the same thing. Because they doesn't have this framework of Civilization, Culture and Morals, any strong man will show their power and live with a beautiful women, till another man beats him up.  At that time, there was not a beautiful relationship called 'Spouse', 'children' or 'Family', where the Culture, Morals and Good qualities were taught from the childhood and that is the reason they are not called as 'Civilized and cultured humans'. 

          We have already evolved as Civilized humans with a set of frame work which benefits our-self and the society. This set of frame work is also called 'Dharma', as these are the qualities expected from humans. In order to have a peaceful, healthy, happy life in the society, this rule was framed and was followed for about 10,000 years.  In Today's world, in the name of freedom, people are not following Dharma and going back to Alpha as uncivilized person, without realizing their conscience.         

        Have Gratitude, which is considered as a seed of virtues. When someone helped you in a tough situation, have gratitude towards them. It actually blossoms beautiful memories in your heart. Instead of gratitude, thanking them for a moment, then expecting more help from them due to your laziness / greediness  (or) finding faults in the help offered is Adharma and these actions in turn will add bad karma to your soul. Greed's worst part is ingratitude. 

        Beware ! A conscience person can easily identify the difference between a heartfelt gratitude and fake honey coated thank you words. It's not about cheating them, it's actually cheating yourself by miserably failed in moral opportunities given by God. Without having any morals, simply showing Bhakti (Love) towards God, whether you pray 5 times or 100 times in a day, it will neither reduce your bad karma nor makes way for your Moksha.

          Another interesting Big big story spreaded widely among Hindus is that "Yama Dharma Raj is the  Lord of Death. He tallies good and bad karma of a person  and accordingly sends them to Heaven or hell". Nice edited version about Hindu Gods, but pathetically failed to camouflage the truth. 

           God Yama is the Guardian of South Direction, God of Justice, he neither sends the soul to Heaven or Hell. There is no such concept in Hinduism. Yama, doesn't tally / decide your Final judgement, he can not give Moksha to a soul. Your Karma is your only Judge and only reason for your present life sufferings. Yama is in charge of astral layers of Soul (Only from 2nd layer to 6th layer) based on your Karma. 

Picture of Hell and people of Hell

           Punishments for Sinners mentioned in Garuda Purana are toxic lies edited in this Holy book. God is Love, not a Judge to punish you for your bad deeds, so please refrain from believing such fake stories. Garuda means - Bird Eagle, Vahana (Mount) of Lord Vishnu. Garuda Purana is one of the Vishnu Puranas, which contains conversation between Eagle, the King of birds and Lord Vishnu. It's not at all related to Punishments / Hell Concept.

         Believe in Karma and Follow Dharma, there is no animated hell, you will reap what you sow in this present life and there are no after life punishments.

          A sad scenario in India today is, increasing  false Divorce cases (But, it's very less in percentage compared to Foreign countries). In most of the divorce cases, there won't be any bigger problem between the couples, it's the third person playing the role over there, be it a relatives, friends or parents. Yes, Parents also!! I heard a miserable story from my friend. 

  My friend's friend got recently married and three months later they filed a divorce case. They didn't have any issues between them, but the problem is BIG ego clash between the parents of both the sides. Parents of the Bride and Groom are fighting for their power and to show their superiority. When the couples support their respective parents, argument occurred between them which leads to bitter state of mind. Though, they manage to convince each other, but their parents are not allowing the couples to be in the relationship of marriage and forced their Daughter to file a divorce, by giving false dowry harassment complaint against that Boy. Though the boy came out in bail, he is suffering between office, home and police station, as the case didn't end due to one's ego clash and arrogance from the girl's parents. The Boy is still going to police station to sign, the entire family members are affected by this false complaint , spoiled the happiness and life of the young couples. Is this really a Love of parents ?, Didn't they want their children to be happy ? Isn't it an atrocity to take their children's life for granted and enforce their decisions ? they did all these actions without their conscience, even the couples lost theirs. Morals and Dharma are lost in anger, ego and revenge !! Now a days, parents wants to live their children life as well in the name of power. Parents job is to explain about the relationships, Love, Patience, show them the  path of Good life, guide them, be a role model.

         God resides in you, do things with your conscience, never do anything which is against your Conscience. Moral behavior in one's life, will raise one astral layer up in your next birth and makes way for your soul to reach Moksha.  

     Dharma belongs to the Universe and the individual as well. Dharma is a divine law prevailing on very level of existence , moral laws bind us in harmony. When we follow dharma, we are in compliance with the laws that sustains the Universe. 


        Hindus believe that Atman / soul is eternal and actions of the soul will be reflected in Present life and next life. There is only one thing that Hindus thrive to achieve in their life time, that is  'Moksha'.  

             India , 'Bharat' - the land of Moksha. Moksha is the end of reincarnation cycle. The soul will be free of all pains, nil bad karma and merges with Brahman. It can not be achieved by one lifetime, one must go through several reincarnations. By the grace of Gods, pure soul will be liberated from endless cycles of births and re births. 

        The main job of the Soul is to get Moksha and reunite with BRAHMAN, after which the soul is considered as GOD. India - a sacred vedic place, land of Sadhus, Rishis and Munis / Sages, place of seven Holy rivers, famous for its divinity, spirituality, where Moksha / Mukti happens. Millions of people are going to holy cities like Kashi, Varnasi, Rameshwaram and many more places, takes dip in the holy rivers to lessen bad karma and praying God  to attain Moksha. Be proud to be born in India.

          Sri Adi Shankaracharya attained Moksha at the age of 32. People believing that Moksha will be attained only at the OLD AGE, feel free to read about Sri Adi Shankaracharya. There is no relation between Age, Knowledge, Morals and Experience. Knowledge may increase by age and not vice versa. This holds true for Moral and experience as well, Age is a factor only for the physical body, not for the Soul. 

            If you do not have Conscience, you can not attain Moksha. Conscience is a eternal feeling that one will face spontaneously in certain situations. Your conscience will not force you to do specific actions which you consider it as wrong, which may be against the laws of the society. Conscience gives you the power to seek the truth, without being influenced by Powerful people, Societal pressure and Ego. 

           There are seven chakras (Energy points) in human body corresponding to Seven astral layers . 

7th Astral Layer - Sahasrara Chakra
6th Astral Layer - Ajna Chakra
5th Astral Layer - Vishudhha Chakra
4th Astral Layer - Anahata Chakra
3rd Astral Layer - Manipura Chakra
2nd Astral Layer - Swadhistana Chakra
1st Astral Layer - Muladhara Chakra

           Hindus must cremate the physical dead body, else your soul will be trapped into the earth forever and it can not take rebirth to attain moksha. The souls will reach in one of these seven chakras according to your past Karma. Lesser the bad karma, higher is the astral layer of Soul. The top most astral layer is called as Sahasrara chakra, which has highest vibration, souls which has nil bad karma will reach there and attains Moksha, it will be merged with God, the Brahman.  The First astral layer is called as Muladhara Chakra which has lowest vibration, People who has highest bad karmas and criminals will have their souls at first astral layer.  This Muladhara Chakra is also called as temporary hell, as the souls which has highest bad karmas will suffer in their next birth as well. 

        Unlike information spreaded by agents, there is no permanent heaven or hell in Hinduism. Souls which has lightest bad karma will go to Sixth astral layer, Ajna Chakra. Ajna Chakra corresponds to The third eye, which represents Intuition, Purpose and direction of life. 

           Moksha is a spiritual realization which is governed by Dharma and Karma. 

       If you obey your Dharma and have good Karma, then you will be reincarnated to attain Moksha. Listen to your Inner voice, Awake and Raise your Conscience !

- Aarthi Thiyagarajan


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